Companies have now turned to their trusted technology partners for support with future-proofing their business. Companies are looking for solutions that equip employees with easy IT and security and it’s important for technology companies to collectively develop solutions that drive change and support people.

This article addresses the growing importance of technologies and how they inevitably translate into ever more work-related technology-intensive matters: digital HR and talent management, digital/social collaboration, smart offices, agile work models, all those new required skills, the changing job market, you name it.


Human resource management is evolving with digital tools and data analytics enabling the human resources department to fulfill several roles such as attracting, recruiting, retaining, and developing the right talent. Due to the rapid advancements of digitalization, there is still some retraining and upskilling to do for years to come.

In talent management, there are core elements and sub-processes that need to work simultaneously to ensure the success of the organization. some of the elements are: analyzing the right talent for the present and the future, identifying the right talent and best-fit candidates, optimizing their existing skills and strengths while helping them grow.

Organizations will have to carefully consider what IT functions will help them meet their transformation goals, choosing the wrong tech will hinder progress, while the correct choice will provide a smooth transformation.


Although social technologies are more and more mainstream, the results suggest that not all tools are created equal, many business leaders report that the business use of social tools is nearly universal, those that can enable collaboration among employees are the most valued,  most organizations benefit from social tools for the real-time interactions, the ability to collaborate with specific groups, and cross-platform availability.

The new generation has brought about cloud services, that are designed for real-time interactions, and integrate with other enterprise applications, the new-generation tools could even begin to replace email as the default channel of written communication.

The use of digital/social collaboration for organization benefits are greater when social and digital tools are integrated


Firstly let us look at what is a smart office, a simple but straight-to-the-point definition could be…

A smart office is a workplace where modern technology is leveraged to help workers work smarter, better, and faster.

One might assume that a smart office has robots and all futures that “AI” has to offer, however in most smart offices, one will find common types of equipment such as high tech cameras, digital displays, desk and room booking software, and sensors for temperature and lights.

Organizations who are currently using services of desk booking software have found it much easier and effective as this service allows them to book everything they need for a productive day’s work in advances such as conference rooms, desks, AV equipment, parking spots, and even meals.

As industries and companies begin to implement smart office features, the market for smart offices is expected to increase in the coming years, therefore adding smart technology can unlock numerous ways to make your workplace more efficient and effective.

Technology has directly affected the office spaces as we know for many generations and will continue to do so in the future, a wise organization will think ahead of the current working spaces and incorporate smart offices for a faster smarter, and better working environment.

Two components make up an iterative approach that requires the organisations to continuously test, learn, and course correct.


Agile Modeling (AM) is a collection of values, principles, and practices for modeling software that can be applied to a software development project in an effective and lightweight manner.

There are many different paths to enterprise agility, successful transformations start with an effort to aspire, design, and pilot the new agile operating model.

Older organizations will tend to change their business models to agile models, An organization will introduce agile work models to fundamentally transform the company to compete in the future. They need to transform to embrace enterprise agility. Such transformations vary in pace, scope, and approach, but all contain a set of common elements across two broad stages


Successful Digital Transformation Requires A Future-focused Strategy, We offer solutions that help your business move from manual to automated processes and functions, enabling you to evolve efficiently and adapt seamlessly to unlock the human potential.